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                              Procurement Act 2024 - Use Knowledgebase menu for specifics

Delayed until 24 February 2025

Why was P2G Associates founded?

UK Government continues to strive to become modern, effective and efficient - but handling public money, being accountable and maintaining transparency whilst balancing budgets in an unpredictable and increasingly costly environment provides significant challenges to sourcing suppliers aligned to the changing needs of delivering value-add services.

Traditionally competitive tender procurements were the preserve of the non-SME providers.  More recently there has been a propensity to implement frameworks and these work especially well providing for large numbers of suppliers who become eligible for engagements through the tendering process.  Further changes have evolved to make use of Dynamic Purchasing Systems to overcome the shortfalls of frameworks who's committed time scales bar the engagement of innovative organsiations developing solutions in a significantly fast-paced evolving landscape. Changes to procurement regulations have meant a greater opportunity for suppliers to engage in shorter timescales and reducing the costs to tendering whilst maximising the opportunity for reward.

The trouble is, changes in procurement legislation and the complexities of navigating the regulated environment leaves many a supplier not knowing where to start.  That is where P2G supports both the Public Sector buyers and especially potential suppliers.

....and now with the introduction of the new Procurement Act - things have stepped up again - a further challenge for both suppliers and Public Sector!  Read more on our site and make contact to see how we can help - you won’t be disappointed!!  Book a call!

UK Government needs help!

Imagine having to walk the circumference of the Earth just to buy the new iPhone. That is effectively what UK Government has to do every time it wants something. And that’s on the assumption they know what they want!

P2G Associates (private to government) are a unique and ingrained group of people who possess extremely rare expertise in public sector procurement. We identify fundamental problems within government and seek businesses to solve them.

We don’t stop there…

Finding businesses that can solve the biggest problems in government is easy. The hard part is getting those companies in the position to deliver their goods, products, and services in a way that works for the public sector. And that’s NOT easy…

Innovating the most risk-averse market there is, takes special skill. Both sides of the equation must be in alignment and have complete understanding of one another at the highest level. And some doors must open from the inside if they open at all.

Some of the most innovative solutions are new, and thus high-risk. Financial standings can also be a barrier where cutting edge technology is in play.

This is our mission

P2G uses knowledge, relationships, tenacity, and expertise to access & bring opportunities to the most innovative businesses in the UK, regardless of financial standing, examples of work, or prior experience of the market. This is a service that almost no one can offer, but we can.

Courtesy: National Data Strategy Team

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Want to know more about how we can help you  - get in contact:

info@p2g.associates & drt@p2g.associates

or book an appointment with Declan, using the link above,

We are always happy to learn more about you and discover if we can help.

We welcome enquiries from Public Sector Procurement professionals too who may come across us and how we can help fulfil appropriate solutions.

Site last updated: 20/10/2024

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We provide full life-cycle services cradle-to-grave:

Strategic consultancy, Bid services,

and post-award support

Data Driven Decisions

And Measurable Outcomes

Data Governance ensures secure availability of high quality data to enable integrated data-driven decisions making with measurable outcomes

Policies, Guidelines & Standards

Data Quality Framework

Privacy, Compliance & Security

Innformation Architecture & Integrations

Reporting & Analytics

People, Processes and Technology

Effective government is an ongoing effort - executed by people, enabled by processes and supported by technology

Score:85/100 (04/06/24)