Below are a sample of the wide range of Technology focused frameworks available.
Frameworks are procurement constructs that enable pre-
UK businesses are able to supply Government departments and win major consistent work throughout a framework’s lifetime. Once the approved suppliers are selected, businesses who are not on the framework will miss out the opportunity to work with Government Departments.
Frameworks have a life-
Frameworks may be generated by all public sector bodies, though in recent years there has been a harmonisation of frameworks. It is in interests of buyers to try and make use of existing agreements obviating the need to spend public money on their own versions. Department specific frameworks are often produced when there are specific needs which may not be fully covered by an existing frameworks.
Technology Frameworks
A. Cloud & Hosting
This framework is for the provision of Technology Solutions & Outcomes solutions
B. Digital Specialists
C. Network Solutions
D. Technology Solutions & Outcomes
E. Technology Products & Services